UX for the Team

The best way to ensure a team produces a product smoothly is to ensure that the team has a good “user experience”. This is something I care about greatly. UX for the team may include easily understood and accessible documentation, presenting data in a digestible manner, and creating systems to help the rest of my team do their jobs more efficiently.

Conversational Logic

What do you do when you see an unreadable design plan?

All of this started out with one of my designers showing me their messy sketchbook sketch of Barton’s conversational logic that they had been basing everything on.

I decided to start up a FigJam board to show them how organized they could be in making this plan. I created the first conversation and realized that this could be just the tool the design team needed. It went from a messy sketch from one designer trying to plan out the hard-coded conversations that Barton should be having with the player, to an organized system that the whole design team now uses.

I created a system where anyone can pick up the board, designer or not, and know what is going on. From location cues to help the engineers know where to put the conversational colliders to emotional cues for the AI. Everything is laid out and coded in a way that any of my team members can add to it as well, making it a collaborative tool and fundamentally a way for us to communicate.

Asset Tracking

What do you do when you see an unreadable design plan?

All of this started out with one of my designers showing me their messy sketchbook sketch of Barton’s conversational logic that they had been basing everything on.

I decided to start up a FigJam board to show them how organized they could be in making this plan. I created the first conversation and realized that this could be just the tool the design team needed. It went from a messy sketch from one designer trying to plan out the hard-coded conversations that Barton should be having with the player, to an organized system that the whole design team now uses.

I created a system where anyone can pick up the board, designer or not, and know what is going on. From location cues to help the engineers know where to put the conversational colliders to emotional cues for the AI. Everything is laid out and coded in a way that any of my team members can add to it as well, making it a collaborative tool and fundamentally a way for us to communicate.